Boiler Explosion Investigation

In the early days of steam power boiler explosions were common place. In fact before 1780 boilers rarely operated above 1 or 2 [psi]. This was a limit intended to reduce the frequent number of boiler explosions that were occurring at that time. More advanced higher steam pressure designs did not enter commercial production until after 1800, by which time the concept of “strong steam “ was coined to describe a boiler operating at or above 30 [psi].
Whilst boiler explosions are rare nowadays, they still do occur and like airline crashes they cause extensive destruction and require specialized skills to investigate.
We have investigated several boiler explosions, and have access to a experienced accident investigation specialists who, in collaboration with our boiler design team, are able to identify the likely cause of most boiler explosions.
A case study demonstrating our Boiler Explosion investigation capabilities can be found here. Further Information about our boiler forensic analysis and expert witness services can be found here.
A short video showing the extensive destruction caused by a boiler explosion in the late 1960’s can be seen here.